Have you ever told someone that you can run 10km and they have not believed you – maybe because of your weight or because you don’t use a running tracking app? Has that ever left you feeling low – when you have worked so hard to accomplish something but someoneContinue Reading

Two months ago we moved to a new neighbourhood, I wasn’t really worried about the back-breaking work associated with moving furniture – mostly because my husband is the one who did all the back-breaking work and all I did was stand at a distance looking pretty. However, what I wasContinue Reading

Emotional eating means exactly that – eating in response to our emotions. Some of us eat in response to ‘negative’ emotions – anger, depression etc. Some of us eat in response to ‘positive’ emotions such as joy. (note the words negative and positive are in quotation marks because every emotionContinue Reading

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For many of us we have been trying to lose weight ever since we could remember and, if you are like most women, you have never really ever reached the ideal weight. In fact sometimes when we work hard (exercise five hours a day whilst on the brink of starvation)Continue Reading

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The trick to weight loss is calories in vs calories out. If you consume more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight and if you consume less calories than your body uses you will lose weight. The reason all these diets (intermittent fasting, atkins, no-carb etc) work isContinue Reading

When it comes to running, inspiration is what gets you started but discipline and continuous motivation is what keeps you going. Today I am going to share tips on how to stay motivated with your running – mainly because discipline is such a boring word.  These tips will help you whether you runContinue Reading