You Don’t Have To Prove Anything!

Have you ever told someone that you can run 10km and they have not believed you – maybe because of your weight or because you don’t use a running tracking app? Has that ever left you feeling low – when you have worked so hard to accomplish something but someone doesn’t believe you actually accomplished it? That has happened to me a couple of times.

Always remember that you don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself- unless of course you are getting paid! For example if you want to get a product endorsement to run X km then I think its pretty necessary to prove that you can run those X km! But for most of us we are under no obligation to prove anything to anyone.

If you can run 25km good for you even if no one believes you. What is important is that you can run the 25km not that people believe you can.

We live in a social media driven superficial society where people do things in order to get likes and comments. Whilst this is good if you are selling something, it can put you under so much pressure and since you can never please the social media crowd – let me repeat that; you can never please the social media crowd- it usually leads to depression.

So go running and enjoy your run. use a sports tracking app if you want – or don’t. Share your progress with friends and family if you want – or don’t. Don’t try to please people- try to please you. if you are happy with your pace during a particular run then good for you. If not then work hard to improve it. 

You don’t have to prove anything to anyone but also don’t cheat yourself. Don’t tell yourself you can run 20km if you have never done it! Remember, if you lie to yourself, the only person you are robbing of your best life is you…

Keep running and remember to smile and wave at other runners!