From Our Community
My First 10k!
By Stephanie Gardner
Try Something New
By Tsungai Mutesva
Start With Here – Start With Now
By Chiedza Rwodzi
Why I Hate Zumba And Why You Should Stop Running.
By Thandiwe Mawungwa
My Six Month 1/2 Marathon Journey
By Carola Bogezi
Breaking Mind Barriers: Run Forest! Run!
By Charles Mawungwa I grew up with a culture of watching films and once in a while you come across a film that totally impacts you for the rest of your life. On July 6 1994 the world was introduced to a film that would go on to win 5
Weight Loss
STOP Trying To Lose Weight Now
For many of us we have been trying to lose weight ever since we could remember and, if you are like most women, you have never really ever reached the ideal weight. In fact sometimes when we work hard (exercise five hours a day whilst on the brink of starvation)
Our Featured Article
How To Stay Motivated
When it comes to running, inspiration is what gets you started but discipline and continuous motivation is what keeps you going. Today I am going to share tips on how to stay motivated with your running – mainly because discipline is such a boring word. These tips will help you whether you run